The Membrane Box incorporates a variety of technologies and systems, such as MBR modules and pressurised UF modules, sand filters, activated carbon, and reverse osmosis (RO), tailored to meet specific design requirements at various stages. Its compact design enables quick installation, fast commissioning, and customizable performance within a small footprint.
Suntar typically has 3 types: MemBox, DesalBox, and MBRBox.
There are a few different feed streams that can be treated for varying uses.
Below are some examples of applications where our systems can be used:
Membox – Applicable for River Water, Lake Water, Rainwater Collection
Desalbox – Applicable for Desalination and Process Water Recycling
MBR Box – Municipal Wastewater Treatment

The MemBox system is an innovative solution designed to reduce freshwater consumption by treating and reusing harvested water for irrigation, toilet flushing, and other non-potable applications.
Suntar Membox: SF + UF + AC (optional)
Efficient Filtration
Includes a sand filter system that can automatically backwash, ensuring consistent performance. The ultrafiltration (UF) system achieves high water recovery rates and achieves tap water standard.
Depending on the source water quality, the treated water can be made potable.
Equipped with a dosing system for effective water disinfection, ensuring safety for non-potable uses.
Environmentally Friendly
Utilizes a UV system for disinfection without generating secondary pollution.